Monday, June 21, 2010

Why do Democrat Tactics Work?


RUSH: Ron in Houston, thanks for calling. You're next on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Mega dittos, mighty one. The reason I called, this has been a frustration for about the last three months right now. How long is everybody going to forget how many times the Democrats have tried to give away everything this country's done? I'm to the point now, I'll put up the money to basically put most of the Democratic Party on Ritalin because they're becoming an out-of-control reality program. In fact, they may be the basis for the original reality programs out there. Can you explain to me how they keep getting away with the junk they're putting out there and they do it over and over and over again. I watched it during Reagan, and when the huge threat of the Soviet Union was out there. The Soviet Union was kind of a rusty bucket ready to fall over, but until the day it happened, Reagan was looked at as a fool. I'm not particularly a big fan of George Bush, but George Bush can get the job done. Let him be president. I'm sorry. I want to just scream right now.

RUSH: Wait. If I understood everything you're saying, and your call is a little distorted, you're wondering how in the world people keep falling for the same Democrat trick?

CALLER: It's the same thing over and over and over again. I'm an ex-Navy officer. I spent a lot of time out on US aircraft carriers. I spent a lot of time watching situations and I'm sitting there watching what's going on and I'm watching what the media is spitting back out in the States, and there's no correlation.

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