Monday, June 21, 2010

Aby businessmen out there? cant answer this!help! im too young for these!?

hotel continental

in july 2008,mr. oscar mendoza,owner of triumph tours read in the newspaper an advertisement for the leasing of hotel continental's facilities.Mr. mendoza has been experiencing difficultiesin getting hotel accomodations for his tour groups since last year,during the peak travel months of dec. jan. jul. and aug.

hotel continental is a 27 room hotel located in the phils. it has 3 function rooms that can seat 12 to 40 persons,a coffee shop,a fast food cafeteria,a formal dining room and a swimming pool,during last 2 yrs.

the hotel incurred losses of about P2-3M w/c led d mgmt. 2 d decisionof leasing out its facilities.

the room capacity of the hotel is just right for triumph tours requirements during peak months.his travel business can provide annual capacity utilization of d hotel to as much 40% only.the remaining 60% wud b a problem.certain data r needed to help mr. mendoza 2 bid/not 2 bid 4 d hotel.

"how can d remaining 60% of the hotel capacity be filled up?"

Aby businessmen out there? cant answer this!help! im too young for these!?internet security 2006

You give a lot of information but not necessarily the correct information to answer the question. If there is enough draw to get tours in the winter, there may be interested tour groups in the other seasons. I would look at discounted rooms to tours in off season.

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