Thursday, October 22, 2009

U.S. History?

Why can the period covering the presidencies of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison be described as a time of both trial and triumph for the Constitution and the new Republic?

U.S. History?antivirus programs

Just review the events during those administrations. Adams continued many of the policies of Washington and refused to let the US get pulled into a European war by the French. He realized the US needed to solve its domestic problems and could not afford a military conflict. Jefferson defended our neutral rights on the high seas, protested French and British interference with those rights, and doubled the size of the US buying the Louisiana Territory from France. Madison did get the US into the War of 1812, and while the results of the war did not solve the causes of the war, the US came out of the conflict with respect from other nations and feeling of nationalistic pride within the nation. The sites below will have excellent links to all the Presidents you mention.

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